Operation get_batch_info

The operation of getting detailed information about the downloaded batch payment document.

Query parameters

Parameter Value
operation get_batch_info
login <User name>
token <TOKEN>. Obtained after invoking get_token.
encrypted_password Encrypted password. It is obtained after user password RSA encryption with the use of a public exponent and the modulus obtained in invoking the get_token operation.
batch_id <payment id>. Payment document identifier obtained by invoking import_batch_advanced.
page_size The number of records to get.
start_offset The number of the record that starts the resulting set.
Minimum – 0, maximum is the number of records in the batch payment document.
You can use page parameter instead — Page number (counts from 0).

See also

  • import_batch_advanced — Uploading a batch payment into the system with the possibility to choose the verification method.
  • process_batch — Batch payment confirmation.

Response in the CSV format


Line No. Data format
10;<payment id>;<offset>;<page_size>;<total_size>;<page_count>;<current_page>
2, 3, ..., n<line number>;<int. number in the accounting system of the sender>;<recipient>;<amount>;<currency>;<assignment>;<document id in the system>;<document status>;<payment type>;<error description>


Value Description
<payment id>The ID of the batch payment document created in the system
<offset>The number of the first record in the generated result set (starting with 0)
<page_size>The number of records to get
<total_size>The total number of records in the batch
<page_count>Total number of pages
<current_page>Current page number (counts from 0)
<document status>It may take the following values:
  • NEW, READY — awaiting processing
  • INPROCESS — in process
  • DECLINED — declined
  • PROCESSED — processed
<payment type>It may take the SKIP value if the document was rejected at the stage of uploading (import_batch_advanced) a batch payment (see details in <error description>)
<error description>Description of the reason for rejecting the document

Response examples

JSON (recommended format, please set x-response-format=json header)

    "code": 0,
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "id": "c1f56606-15a8-43ff-99ef-a2a63ddc819a",
        "offset": 0,
        "page": 0,
        "pageSize": 100,
        "pageCount": 1,
        "totalCount": 9,
        "records": [
                "lineNumber": 1,
                "internalNumber": "1003",
                "beneficiary": "Z112224443331",
                "amount": "1.10",
                "currency": "USD",
                "description": "Payout 3",
                "documentId": 92362495,
                "state": "PROCESSED",
                "paymentType": "WM",
                "errorDetails": ""
                "lineNumber": 2,
                "internalNumber": "1004",
                "beneficiary": "Z112224443331",
                "amount": "1.20",
                "currency": "USD",
                "description": "Payout 4",
                "documentId": 92362517,
                "state": "DECLINED",
                "paymentType": "WM",
                "errorDetails": ""
                "lineNumber": 3,
                "internalNumber": "1005",
                "beneficiary": "Z112224443331",
                "amount": "1.30",
                "currency": "USD",
                "description": "Payout 5",
                "documentId": 92362539,
                "state": "PROCESSED",
                "paymentType": "WM",
                "errorDetails": ""
                "lineNumber": 4,
                "internalNumber": "1006",
                "beneficiary": "Z112224443331",
                "amount": "1.40",
                "currency": "USD",
                "description": "Payout 6",
                "documentId": 92362561,
                "state": "PROCESSED",
                "paymentType": "WM",
                "errorDetails": ""
                "lineNumber": 5,
                "internalNumber": "1007",
                "beneficiary": "Z112224443331",
                "amount": "1.50",
                "currency": "USD",
                "description": "Payout 7",
                "documentId": 92362583,
                "state": "PROCESSED",
                "paymentType": "WM",
                "errorDetails": ""
                "lineNumber": 6,
                "internalNumber": "1008",
                "beneficiary": "R555511198765",
                "amount": "1.10",
                "currency": "RUR",
                "description": "Payout 8",
                "documentId": 92362605,
                "state": "PROCESSED",
                "paymentType": "WM",
                "errorDetails": ""
                "lineNumber": 7,
                "internalNumber": "1009",
                "beneficiary": "R555511198765",
                "amount": "1.20",
                "currency": "RUR",
                "description": "Payout 9",
                "documentId": 92362627,
                "state": "PROCESSED",
                "paymentType": "WM",
                "errorDetails": ""


1;1003;Z112224443331;1.10;USD;"Payout 3";92362495;PROCESSED;WM;
2;1004;Z112224443331;1.20;USD;"Payout 4";92362517;DECLINED;WM;
3;1005;Z112224443331;1.30;USD;"Payout 5";92362539;PROCESSED;WM;
4;1006;Z112224443331;1.40;USD;"Payout 6";92362561;PROCESSED;WM;
5;1007;Z112224443331;1.50;USD;"Payout 7";92362583;PROCESSED;WM;
6;1008;R555511198765;1.10;RUR;"Payout 8";92362605;PROCESSED;WM;
7;1009;R555511198765;1.20;RUR;"Payout 9";92362627;PROCESSED;WM;
API Capitalist